
Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Video: The Quran and the Siege of Paris - David Wood - Answering Muslims

Video snapshot

Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, millions of people are once again trying to understand the relationship between Islam and terrorism. Both peaceful Muslims and jihadists quote the Quran to justify their views. In this video, David Wood examines two verses of the Quran to determine the Quranic stance on terror.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

CARTOON: PM Trudeau's Decision to Abandon Canada's War Against ISIS

PM Trudeau's Decision to Abandon Canada's War Against ISIS

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Monday, 19 October 2015

Rex Murphy: The "Unbearable" Lightness of Justin Trudeau

Rex ponders why Liberal leader Justin Trudeau earns so much attention. Is it because he radiates inspired mature leadership, or because he is one of those "famous-for-being-famous" types?

Friday, 16 October 2015

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS) Admits:No Syrian Database We Can Check

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS) Admits:No Syrian Database We Can Check

Sunday, 11 October 2015

The Day Ontario Died

Great song!

A remake from the Great Song American Pie Written by DOn Mclean describing the Current Situation in Ontario.

Monday, 5 October 2015


According to The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Treehouse, CNN altered a photo of Chris Harper-Mercer, the Oregon shooter, to make him look white.

“On the left is the selfie Christopher Mercer uploaded to his social media,” the Conservative Treehouse reports. “On the right is how CNN presented the same selfie in broadcast stories about him.  Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast?”
CNN also did not show photos of Mercer’s mother, who is black.
The reason CNN altered the photo is obvious: the race of Mercer does not fit the narrative that only white males — and thus white supremacist — can be mass shooters.
A black male shooter is incompatible with the racist Black Lives Matters class warfare agenda pushed by the liberal establishment and its propaganda media.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

World Leaders.......Some have them.

World Leaders.......Some have them.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Women Wearing Niqab Banned From Teaching At Cairo University

Somehow we think muslims know best about wearing the niqab.

Cairo University, one of Egypt’s leading public universities, has banned women wearing the niqab from teaching and lecturing at the university - and it's not the first time.

According to Cairo University, the ban is now currently in force.


Another German EVICTED From Her Home to Make Way for Refugees

Of course, this is what's going to happen when you allow an influx of people to enter your country - and no place to accommodate them !

Gabrielle Keller with her letter Photo: DPA | Source

A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 23 years to make way for asylum-seekers, in the second such case to emerge.
Gabrielle Keller has been given until the end of the year to leave her flat in the small southern town of Eschbach, near the border with France.
The flat belongs to the local municipality, which says it is needed to house refugees.
“I think it’s a scandal to throw tenants out of their apartments,” the 56-year-old Ms Keller told SWR television. “I can’t see the sense of it.”

Ms Keller’s case follows that of Bettina Halbey, a nurse who is being evicted from her home of 16 years in the town of Nieheim, hundreds of miles to the north


Friday, 25 September 2015

The NIQAB Has NOTHING to Do With Islam! End of Story!

Let's get the facts straight once and for all! Niqabs are merely a fashion statement!


#IStandWithAhmed: "The Whole Family is Stupid and They Duped Us"

We fell for it. Did you fall for it too? The story about that kid in Texas getting arrested for bringing a 'clock' (as a project) to his school and a teacher mistaking it for a bomb. We all felt sorry for him.

Why? Because we're all suckers with big hearts that's why!

After watching the video below, tell us if you still feel sorry and want to stand by Ahmed.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

So The State Department Asked Twitter How To Fight Terrorists...

From BuzzFeed:

ISIS fighters march in Raqqa, Syria in an undated image. Militant Website via AP

Following a three-day summit at the White House this week on Countering Violent Extremism, the State Department took to social media, asking people to share their solutions to this complex, tough issue.

The summit’s purpose was to “discuss concrete steps the United States and its partners can take to develop community-oriented approaches to counter hateful extremist ideologies that radicalize, recruit, or incite violence.”

The overall goal, officials said, was to counter the narrative of extremist organizations and the propaganda they use to recruit.

Although anything we say won't be approved by the government, our response to this is simple:

Blow them all up and let the Good Lord sort them out.